Thursday, May 28, 2015

Getting strong

Weight lifting, hmmmmmmm.  There is a huge stigma attached to the idea of lifting weights.  As you know, one of the most annoying phrases that I hear is "I don't want to get bulky."  Perhaps many people do think that if you lift weights you will turn into one of those lifters we see on t.v.  The ones who don the skimpiest of suits and bulk around the stage trying to win an award.  But in reality, unless you are willing to take muscle enhancing drugs and starve yourself; you are never going to look like they do. 

What does lifting weights do?  Why lift article from

You will quickly feel the difference when you put your clothes on.  Tightness shifts.  As you build muscle you will start to shed pounds.  Of course this happens much faster if you are eating a healthy diet.  If you eat a very unhealthy diet consisting of too many calories then you will just gain muscle.  But when you eat a great diet and workout, things start to change very quickly.  Places where your clothes use to be tight are no longer.  The fat retaining areas start to get leaner as the muscles build.  You feel more comfortable in your clothing.

Gaining muscle gives you the much needed strength for your day to day.  Everything becomes easier.  You don't have to look all muscled up to enjoy the benefits of lifting.  Building muscle strength is all about getting stronger.  Not so that you can impress everyone by benching 300lbs; but so that you can go through your day to day stronger and more vibrant. 

Now, get up and get to the gym. 

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