Saturday, May 30, 2015

It's your skin, love it.

Looking into a mirror can be a crap shoot.  Sometimes you like what you see; other times you'd like to smash the mirror to pieces.  If you really want to see what you look like, look at a photo.  For some reason photos don't lie but mirrors have a habit of telling us untruths. 

Are you happy with the way you look?  It is all that matters, isn't it?  No matter what shape or size you are; you have to live in your skin.  We are given one body and it is as individual as you are.  If you are not happy when you look at an image of yourself then you should do something about it.  Going through life not being happy in your skin sucks. 

We all go through times when we've let things slide.  Life seems to take over and we just don't have time to eat properly, let alone workout.  There are so many things in our day to day that we have no control over; but our body is not one of those.  We hold the reins and we can make our body what we want.  Being happy in your skin is what you are happy with, no one else. 

I don't think that I've ever met anyone who wouldn't like to change one or a few things about their body.  Learning to be happy with who you are can be a struggle.  From my own personal experience, results from working out and eating well is a step in the right direction.  It can change the way that you think completely.  Instead of grabbing a donut and saying "hey I deserve this;" I look at a donut and say, "no I don't want to do that to my body."  I don't want to feel crappy.  If I really want the donut then I'll eat it but chances are these days, I won't. 

Sitting down to a huge plate filled with arugula, beets, cabbage, carrots, dried cherries with a sprinkle of feta on top, makes me feel good.  I want to take care of this one body I've been given.  Dropping pounds and building muscle feels amazing, it is motivating in itself.  You've only got that one body, just like the rest of us.  It is yours to do with what you will.  Think about it.   

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Getting strong

Weight lifting, hmmmmmmm.  There is a huge stigma attached to the idea of lifting weights.  As you know, one of the most annoying phrases that I hear is "I don't want to get bulky."  Perhaps many people do think that if you lift weights you will turn into one of those lifters we see on t.v.  The ones who don the skimpiest of suits and bulk around the stage trying to win an award.  But in reality, unless you are willing to take muscle enhancing drugs and starve yourself; you are never going to look like they do. 

What does lifting weights do?  Why lift article from

You will quickly feel the difference when you put your clothes on.  Tightness shifts.  As you build muscle you will start to shed pounds.  Of course this happens much faster if you are eating a healthy diet.  If you eat a very unhealthy diet consisting of too many calories then you will just gain muscle.  But when you eat a great diet and workout, things start to change very quickly.  Places where your clothes use to be tight are no longer.  The fat retaining areas start to get leaner as the muscles build.  You feel more comfortable in your clothing.

Gaining muscle gives you the much needed strength for your day to day.  Everything becomes easier.  You don't have to look all muscled up to enjoy the benefits of lifting.  Building muscle strength is all about getting stronger.  Not so that you can impress everyone by benching 300lbs; but so that you can go through your day to day stronger and more vibrant. 

Now, get up and get to the gym. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

New digs

Photo property of LA Fitness.

We've made the switch and I'm stoked.  We have cancelled our membership to 24 Hour Fitness and joined LA Fitness.  Why?  

24 Hour Fitness has let us down.  Dirty facilities, broken equipment for weeks on end, rundown equipment, no upgrades and a general "who gives a shit" attitude.  They also raised our rates without letting us know that they were planning on doing this.  

Sometimes good things just fall into your lap.  I'd been thinking about changing gyms for a while; I'd been unhappy with 24 but hadn't had the time to look around much.  My sister and her hubby were here visiting recently and he works out at LA Fitness.  So when he went to the gym my hubby joined him.  I had my first visit today, before we signed up and I was pleasantly surprised.  Clean, fresh, good equipment and friendly folks.  I'm in.  

We joined the LA fitness movement; came home and cancelled our old membership.  Onto the new and improved.  A new gym gives me a new spring in my step.  It's exciting to work out somewhere new and I love that it is a huge facility.  As you know I like to get in, workout and get out.  I'm not a jaw wagger at the gym; it is not my social time.  I think I'm going to like it at the new place; but time will tell.  

Sometimes change is a great thing.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Resting your body

Time off is good.  Your body will thank you.  

I was back at it this morning.  I had a week break from working out, sort of.  My daughter got married last Friday and we had family here for a visit; so, I took the time to rest my bod.  Much easier said than done I have to admit.  I rested but I did do two very small workouts at the hotel in San Diego and a bit of yoga with my sister.  Nothing like I normally do though.  

It's tough, once you are in the "fit" way of life, it's hard to stop. Not that I am fanatic about working out but I have finally reached a place where I am seeing results, and I love it.  Plus I love how I am feeling.

Working out hard is great but resting your body is essential.  I could not believe how amazing I felt at the gym this morning; having rested mostly for a full week.  I had no aches and pains and a ton of energy.  When you work out day in and day out you can sort of burn your body out.  You may still have the drive to go and workout but your body needs to rest.  

My regular workout regime is lifting weights and doing yoga along with a day or two off.  But taking a full week off now and again is a really great idea if you can do it guilt free.  I tried very hard to just take it off and enjoy it; and by the end of the week I was.  The beginning was a bit tough mentally but I stuck it out and had a nice relaxing week.  Like I said I did do a bit of yoga, because my sister does yoga as well so it was great to learn some new things from her.  I also really enjoy working out at hotel gyms if they are half decent so I squeezed in a couple of those.  

My body thanked me for the rest this morning by offering up some amazing power and new found umph.  I also have a new pair of very cool Reebok purple workout pants that my daughter gave me so I was excited to wear today.  New duds are always great.  :)