Saturday, April 25, 2015

Claiming equipment rules

Not only do people "claim" machines, they claim weights too.  Honestly.

There should be a list of rules listed on the wall of every gym.  That said there should also be "gym police" to enforce them.  One of the things I hate most about gyms is when someone claims a piece of equipment.  You know those people who put their stuff all around and on the equipment but they aren't using it?  I saw a guy yesterday, grab his towel and walk away from a machine I was waiting for.  As I head towards the machine I realized it was still claimed; even though he'd taken one towel with him he had set up camp around the machine. 

Now, normally when this happens I will use the machine anyway.  YOU CANNOT CLAIM MACHINES.  If you are on a machine, fine.  Claiming a machine for your workout circuit is lame.  If you want to use a machine, leave and come back, fine; then leave and come back later.  You cannot put machines on hold; keeping them out of commission until you return.  It is extremely rude to do so and doing it makes you a lame ass in my opinion.

People do it all the time and if you happen to step in and use their machine when they consider it spoken for, you may hear about it.  I have often used equipment that people have put on layaway.  I get the dirty looks, of course I can't hear their rant because I have turned up my music.  I'm in my own little zone and they can just wait until I'm done.  I in fact am using the equipment, I'm in the moment and not putting the machine on hold.  I'm USING IT. 

I will step in, use it and step away when I'm done.  Some people think that they own the place when in actuality it is a public gym.  Use some common sense folks.    

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