Monday, February 2, 2015

Yoga and tranquility

Sometimes you need a little tranquility in your life.  Plus doing a few yoga moves can get you warmed up and ready to stretch.  NEVER stretch cold.  

Tranquility:  quality or state of being tranquilcalmness; peacefulness; quiet;serenity.

I remember waaaayyyy back when in school, we were taught to stretch before doing anything athletic.  Even now I see people walk into the gym and throw their leg up on a bar and stretch. I cringe thinking that their hamstring might just snap being that it is cold.  DON'T STRETCH WHEN YOUR BODY IS COLD.  The best time to stretch is after a workout.  So doing some core or yoga moves before hand is optimal.  Save the stretching for later in your workout.  

It is amazing what a good workout you can get without any weights at all, but you do have to push yourself.  If it feels too easy, then it probably is.  Getting into the above position is easy, staying there for a while is tough.  

Here I was doing the inch worm push up.  From this position I walked down with my hands into a push up and back up again.  If you can't do it with your legs straight then bend them until you achieve more flexibility.  

Balance, strength and stretch in one.  

Switch it up, yoga, cross fit, weight lifting, power walking/jogging.  Move.

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