Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Why Lifting After 50?

Why Lifting After 50?  I started this blog in hopes of dispelling some myths about lifting weights and to get some of you ladies lifting.  Having lifted for so many years; taken a break and then gotten back at it, I feel great.  Let's face it, none of us are getting any younger.  But, even you youngn's can read my blog; you most definitely do not have to be over 50.  I just happen to be over 50; and along with that fact comes with it experience.  Lots of mistakes, doing things right and wrong to share with others.  Of course when I was in my 20s, 30s, I was not as careful as I am now.  It takes so much longer to heal after an injury so you quickly learn to be careful while lifting; much more concentration goes into every work out.  So even if you are not 50, you can read along if you like.  
I am hoping that by reading this blog; some of you might be tempted into the gym to lift.  Lifting is a very easy exercise to do although you have to be dedicated and just do it, as they say.   Lifting is my thing so why not do what I love?  It is crazy good for you; building muscles, getting strong and sculpting your body all at the same time.  Sounds pretty good right?  

The great thing about lifting is that anyone can do it.  You do not have to lift heavy; (although we know that it will not make you bulky) you can lift light and stay at the same weight as long as you like.  Once you start to build muscle you will feel it and you will like how it feels.  If you have problem areas that you'd like to work on, you can.  You can focus on any part of the body that you like.  Many people just work on certain areas; while others do a more overall work out, the choice is yours.  You can use just machines, just free weights or a combination of the two, which is what I do.  You can also do any other exercise activity along with weight training; there is nothing that muscles won't help with.  

Lifting also puts you into a different frame of mind.  Just taking the first step is a biggy, I completely understand.  But, once you start and get into it you will feel great.  You'll start wanting to be healthier, and loving the way that you are looking.  Being stronger is never a bad thing.  Once you get into the whole "I work out" mode, you will be in the zone; the zone is a great place to be.  I'll meet you there.   

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