Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Steps, it's all about steps (motivation to get going)

An artist I am not.  :) 

You want to lift, at least you are thinking about it, right?  The whole idea of exercising should be dealt with in steps.  The first step is thinking about getting in shape, fit and healthy.  The next step is to get started; come on, you can do it.  Take the leap, go for it; you will not regret it.  There are many steps to go through.  You may think twice about the whole idea of getting into shape on day one at the gym.  But don't look back, just keep moving forwards and onto the next step.

The next step is a big one; making it routine, working out needs to become part of your life.  Exercising should not be thought of as a quick fix, like the grapefruit diet or something crazy like that.  Working out is a life long commitment; I know it seems daunting doesn't it.  I often think to myself "wow, I have to keep doing this forever."  There will be bumps along the way; but if you know that, you will be able to deal with them.  There will be days when you feel like "this is too much work," or "I'm tired."   Let yourself take a break; need a week or two off?  Then take it.

One of the biggest steps that you may notice on your journey is when you start to see results.  They may be small at first; you will probably feel the results before seeing them.  When you are well into your lifting routine you will feel stronger; you will be stronger.  There will be a lot of things that you can do now that you might not have been able to do not so long ago.  Things like carrying a big bag of groceries, moving furniture or even standing for a certain length of time.  Then you will see the changes in your body, talk about motivation.  Your waist will be getting smaller; you will start to see definition where there was none before.  This visual step is a great one to keep you going and being happy about getting into shape.

Making time for exercise seems drastic when there is none in your life.  But once you decide to lift, to become strong; it can be the one snowflake that causes the snowball effect in your life.  Getting into shape starts to become more important, as it should be.  When you start to see such a transition in your body; you may become interested in general health.  Perhaps you take a good look at your diet as the next step (as in what you eat, not a weight loss word) and what you put in your mouth as far as fuel for your body to run on.   The next step might be that you are eating a better diet; one that fuels your body instead of just empty calories.

The voyage is yours, I have been through many ups and downs on my own journey.  I feel now that I am on a much clearer path; it is time to get after it.  There are most definitely road blocks; they can come in all sizes but if you have a goal and the drive you will knock them down as they arrive.  This is your life and your body, make it the best that it can be.  After all it's all you've got.

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