Sunday, October 18, 2015

Body building???

I was at the Doctors the other day when she asked me what I do as far as exercise.  I told her that I walk, run and lift.  She immediately asked if I was a bodybuilder.  I paused and pondered... "no" I said, I just lift weights.  So on the way home I thought about her question.  When she asked if I was a body builder, I instantly thought of those steroid man looking women; so of course my answer was no.  But once I started to think about it I thought that perhaps I am. 

Knowing that our bodies lose muscle mass as we age; I am most definitely building my body so that I don't suffer from the effects quite as drastically.  Yes I am a body builder is what my answer should have been; but I also don't want people thinking that I am in the gym to look like those man/women.

Why do I care?  Because I'm not in the gym for a fashion statement; although my daughter has me decked out pretty snazzy via Reebok.  I am not there to get huge muscles nor there to compete with or look like a man.  I am at the gym to stay strong and try to reverse the effects of aging.  At 53 and a recent Grandma of 2 gorgeous little men; I am proud to say that Grandma lifts.  If you don't work your muscles to keep them strong and flexible then you will lose them and end up being a feeble old person at the an age that you should not be feeble.  I have met many people younger than myself who are feeble.  I have met people who think that dieting, losing weight and being skinny is what it's all about.  But asked to do something strenuous and they fail drastically.  

Just imagine how much harder it is to do anything when you have little to no muscle?  Your muscles ache when asked to do even the smallest of movements and your joints suffer under the pressure with no muscle to protect them.  It happens to all of us and you can either shrug your shoulders and say "I can't."  Or you can say "hell yes I can," and get moving.  Starting with very small weights and low repetitions, anyone who is not seriously ill can start to lift.  

So, the other day at the Doctors, I should have replied yes; when asked if I was a bodybuilder.  But the whole image of what many think of lifting weights got in the way.  

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Back and back at it.

Back and back at it.  I've been away on vacation and actually took a whole week off of working out.  The first couple of days of our vacation were spent at a hotel so we were able to get a couple of quick weight room workouts in.  But from Saturday to Friday we basically rested.  It's a head thing at this point; I have to literally tell myself that we are resting and it's okay.  When you work out consistently hard you need to rest your body; but that can be easier said than done.  :)

So with a week off we are back home.  Our travel day back was horrible and turned into almost 24 hours when it should have been around 7.  With that behind us we hit the gym yesterday.  Another day off was not in the cards; I needed that just worked out feeling. 

On our vacation we were able to get a few physical activities in.  One was bike riding and it brought back loads of great memories.  I haven't been bike riding in years and years and it felt great.  Riding through the forest, pumping my legs and getting a cardio workout in was a great in-between activity.  I enjoyed it so much that I have decided to get a bike.  

We also got a big walk/jog in through the woods that felt wonderful.  When you are accustom to working out and the feel that working out gives you, moving feels great.  I even got to try out a quick paddle board but due to windy conditions, didn't get on it again.  But I loved it and it will be an activity that I continue as well.  

Taking a rest from intense working out does not mean that you have to stop moving.  I find it hard not to do something physical every day.  The fact is that working out makes moving easier and more enjoyable.  

Hitting the gym yesterday, even when still exhausted from our trip felt great.  That just worked out filling helps to get you going and shakes the sluggish feeling that traveling can leave you with.  It was great to be back in the gym; especially having rested a week.  Exercise is a life style and when it has been solidified there, it will do you good.  Moving does a body good.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Blasting leg day

Yesterday was leg day.  When I got to the gym I wasn't really feeling it.  You know those days you hit the gym and sort of just do what you have to and then leave?  Well, it started out like that but very quickly turned into "blast the legs" day.  Being that I wasn't feeling it, I worked on my mojo.  I sat on the leg press machine where I start out light and worked up; which is my typically leg warm up.  

I start with 50 lbs and do two sets of 15.  I then move up two plates at a time doing two sets of 12 reps until I get to my highest weight, which is 210.  I could go higher but I don't want to blow out my knees; something definitely worth considering.  I see people on the leg press rack doing insanely heavy weight but if their knee goes, it's really going to go; as in across the gym type of explosion.  So building muscle is good but blowing out joints, not so much.  

After my leg press work I was pumped.  With my power mode back in place I decided to blast my legs.  Legs are strong, far stronger than most people think.  I know that I have a hard time working them out to feel any pain the next day.  Yes they will be wobbly when I really blast them but it's tough to get that next day burn for me.  My legs are the strongest thing on me for sure.

Leg workout 

- My leg press work
- leg extension, start at 50lb and work up to 110lb
- leg curls, start at 30lb and work up to 70
- squats, 4 sets of 15 with a 40 lb bar
- dead lifts 3 sets of 8 with 40 lb bar
- glute press, 3 sets each leg 70lb

Then I worked my abs, bigtime.  

So I blasted and it felt amazing.  Having strong legs is so important, especially the older you get.  Muscle mass helps with balance.  Having strong legs just makes sense; strong legs help you get around really easily.  Stretching and working on balance are also very important.  Doing these three things:  building muscle, stretching and balance work will have you skipping and skittly skatting you through your day to day.  When is your leg day?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Get off

Are you one of those people who step on the scale every day anxiously awaiting the news?  So what does it say?  Are you going to have a bad day or good day?  It all depends on what the scale says right?  You'll either feel good about yourself or bad.  Feeling bad about YOU is bad.  What if you think you look pretty good?  You've been working out like crazy, eating great... you're pumped.  You're pumped until you step onto the evil scale.  Instantly you are sent spiraling down and out.  You look in the mirror and see a fatty.  You thought you looked good, now you don't, now you hate yourself.   Hmmmmm. 

 I don't weigh myself, I just don't.  Recently I was at the Doctors where I knew that I'd have to get on the scale.  I did some soul searching and wondered whether it was worth the fight with the nurse to try to avoid the scale.  I decided against the fight.  Instead I told myself that I wasn't going to care what it said, and I don't.  

We are far more than a number; we should not be measured by a number.  If you want to know, then by all means step up and find out.  I prefer to set my goals by photos of myself  (few that there are) and go from there.  That or I put my jeans on and they tell me what's going on.  Just the other day I put a pair of jean shorts on and could not believe how differently they were fitting me.  They were quite lose but the biggest difference was the fit.  Looser where the fat had left and tighter where my muscles have grown.

Everyone is so concerned with being skinny; losing weight to feel good about themselves.  If you don't like what you see in the mirror, change it.   Don't decide whether or not you are happy by what a stupid scale says.  Do you feel good?  Are you fit and healthy?  That should be your goal, not a number on a scale.  The number you are given from the evil scale has nothing to do with your diet or your exercise.  It simply tells you what you are weighing in at.  You could actually be a very skinny, out of shape and unhealthy lightweight on the scale.  Ever think about that?

Stepping on a scale is a personal decision.  My choice is not to, I don't care what it says.  I care about how I feel and if I am happy when I look in the mirror.  If not then I have work to do.  :)  

Friday, June 12, 2015

Lumber Jacking


Yep, today was my day off, sort of.  I was going to do some yoga but then I thought of the tree that needed to be chopped.  I've taken all of the leafed branched off and what is left is the stump and larger branches.  They are all at least 4-5" across and the stump is about 10".  So I decided to take some of the bigger branches down so I can finally get to the stump.  "Easy" she said, now that all the lethal thorns are gone with the leaved branches.  Hmmmmm, not so much.  

Of course it would probably have been much easier if I was using a sharp bucksaw, which I wasn't.  It was easier than the smaller saw I'd been using but I had to saw my butt off to get through one branch.  I do have to say that it was an amazing workout.  I hit muscles that I could never hit in the gym.  After about five big branches my arms were about ready to fall off; so I moved onto pulling the horrid asparagus ferns that are trying to take over my slope.  

Again, crazy workout.  I pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled.  My triceps, lats and upper back felt all the pulling.  My Achilles tendons felt the stretch from working on the slope and my legs got a good workout simply from keeping me on the slope and not flying off  when the ferns let go.  It is very satisfying getting a great workout and seeing progress as far as tree downing and weed removal.  

It is my kind of work, I love it.  This type of task is definitely made easier by being strong.  I remember when we first moved into this house and I'd spent hours on the slope.  It had been a lot harder than it was today; I am in better shape now than I was eight years ago.  Physical chores can seem daunting but if you look at them as a great workout; you can actually enjoy them, maybe.  That is if you are into getting filthy and exhausted.  I love it.  :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Real food

Part of Saturday nights dinner.  

Walking into the tiny "health food" store near my place, it's packed.  Things appear to be changing.  When I hit the regular grocery store, it is empty.  The isles filled with perfectly stacked processed food sit there on the shelves alone.  People seem to be eating better these days.  Of course not all people but from looking at the crowd ratios, the healthy stores are being frequented far more often, at least here in SoCal. 

As I walked around the VERY tiny area filled with fresh and organic food, it hit me.  Funny how we call this health food; when it is in fact just real food that is good for you.  It is like the term "people food" put onto real food that is given to dogs.  Fresh food is simply real food.  But if we are going to call it health food then we should call what lines the shelves in a normal grocery store unhealthy food, correct?

Everything having to do with humans goes in waves.  The 60s and 70s were horrible as far as nutritional eating.  Much of the fast, corner cutting, preservative filled foods today came from those years.  It was all about simple and easy.  As television grew, so did their advertisements and we bought into them.  But now things are different and if you look around you will see it.

More and more people are turning away from the processed stuff and going for the "real food."  It is a change for the better, most definitely.  Sadly many people have a difficult time finding an option to buy healthy food.  Their town may not have grown enough to have a healthy choice to purchase food in the area.  But where there is a will, there is a way.  

Often when there is only one option for healthy food, the costs are crazy high.  But if you are dedicated to finding healthy foods, you will.  Many farmers are joining up with organic co-ops.

Coop directory service 

Organic consumers


Organic Valley

There are many, many more.  These few just came up first.  So if you really want to eat healthy and don't have a healthy grocery store option then check out a coop or online distributor.  

The better the food you eat the less of it you need.  It is amazing how little food we actually need compared to what we want to eat when hooked on processed crap.  You may spend more on good food but it is for that one body that is going to haul you around for your lifetime, spring for the good stuff.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Yoga and muscles

Waking up this morning, my eyes were not even open and I could feel my back.  "What the heck did I do yesterday?" I thought to myself.  Climbing out of bed to get my morning coffee, I was still in that fog before you wake up.  Wow, I felt like I'd done 500 push ups.  My upper back felt like it had an intense workout but I couldn't remember what I'd done... That is until I remembered my yoga.

I did a long yoga session yesterday.  I focused on plank moves with lots of variations.  Ahhhhhh that is where my back got worked out.  I've only been squeezing in a few short yoga sessions lately so yesterday's full on major yoga workout paid off.  I felt it and it felt great.  I love the feeling of an intense workout, not too much pain; just enough to know that you did a great workout. 

That old saying "no pain no gain," not true.  You can stay in shape without pain but if you want to build muscles and get stronger there will be pain.  But there should not be too much or you are doing too much.  Muscle pain comes from using muscles that you haven't used for a long while.  Sort of like "hey you, behind the shoulder muscle, wake up."  When you work a muscle that doesn't get much action, they kick into gear.  A little pain and the muscle is better and stronger, ready for the challenge. 

I workout hard most of the time but I've had to cut back on my pulling (rowing type) moves until my elbows heeled.  Yesterday's yoga plank workout really worked my upper back.  I am still amazed at how good yoga is for you.  Not only does it work your flexibility, mobility and balance but it is crazy good for your strength. 

Yoga does not involve any additional weight; only your own that can be extremely tough to lift.  You don't have to be heavy to have a hard time lifting your weight.  It can be tough if you don't do it regularly.  Things like push ups, planks and hand stands are all wonderful strength building moves that simply use your own weight.  Can you lift yourself?

Now, off to the gym, it's leg day. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

It's your skin, love it.

Looking into a mirror can be a crap shoot.  Sometimes you like what you see; other times you'd like to smash the mirror to pieces.  If you really want to see what you look like, look at a photo.  For some reason photos don't lie but mirrors have a habit of telling us untruths. 

Are you happy with the way you look?  It is all that matters, isn't it?  No matter what shape or size you are; you have to live in your skin.  We are given one body and it is as individual as you are.  If you are not happy when you look at an image of yourself then you should do something about it.  Going through life not being happy in your skin sucks. 

We all go through times when we've let things slide.  Life seems to take over and we just don't have time to eat properly, let alone workout.  There are so many things in our day to day that we have no control over; but our body is not one of those.  We hold the reins and we can make our body what we want.  Being happy in your skin is what you are happy with, no one else. 

I don't think that I've ever met anyone who wouldn't like to change one or a few things about their body.  Learning to be happy with who you are can be a struggle.  From my own personal experience, results from working out and eating well is a step in the right direction.  It can change the way that you think completely.  Instead of grabbing a donut and saying "hey I deserve this;" I look at a donut and say, "no I don't want to do that to my body."  I don't want to feel crappy.  If I really want the donut then I'll eat it but chances are these days, I won't. 

Sitting down to a huge plate filled with arugula, beets, cabbage, carrots, dried cherries with a sprinkle of feta on top, makes me feel good.  I want to take care of this one body I've been given.  Dropping pounds and building muscle feels amazing, it is motivating in itself.  You've only got that one body, just like the rest of us.  It is yours to do with what you will.  Think about it.   

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Getting strong

Weight lifting, hmmmmmmm.  There is a huge stigma attached to the idea of lifting weights.  As you know, one of the most annoying phrases that I hear is "I don't want to get bulky."  Perhaps many people do think that if you lift weights you will turn into one of those lifters we see on t.v.  The ones who don the skimpiest of suits and bulk around the stage trying to win an award.  But in reality, unless you are willing to take muscle enhancing drugs and starve yourself; you are never going to look like they do. 

What does lifting weights do?  Why lift article from

You will quickly feel the difference when you put your clothes on.  Tightness shifts.  As you build muscle you will start to shed pounds.  Of course this happens much faster if you are eating a healthy diet.  If you eat a very unhealthy diet consisting of too many calories then you will just gain muscle.  But when you eat a great diet and workout, things start to change very quickly.  Places where your clothes use to be tight are no longer.  The fat retaining areas start to get leaner as the muscles build.  You feel more comfortable in your clothing.

Gaining muscle gives you the much needed strength for your day to day.  Everything becomes easier.  You don't have to look all muscled up to enjoy the benefits of lifting.  Building muscle strength is all about getting stronger.  Not so that you can impress everyone by benching 300lbs; but so that you can go through your day to day stronger and more vibrant. 

Now, get up and get to the gym. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

New digs

Photo property of LA Fitness.

We've made the switch and I'm stoked.  We have cancelled our membership to 24 Hour Fitness and joined LA Fitness.  Why?  

24 Hour Fitness has let us down.  Dirty facilities, broken equipment for weeks on end, rundown equipment, no upgrades and a general "who gives a shit" attitude.  They also raised our rates without letting us know that they were planning on doing this.  

Sometimes good things just fall into your lap.  I'd been thinking about changing gyms for a while; I'd been unhappy with 24 but hadn't had the time to look around much.  My sister and her hubby were here visiting recently and he works out at LA Fitness.  So when he went to the gym my hubby joined him.  I had my first visit today, before we signed up and I was pleasantly surprised.  Clean, fresh, good equipment and friendly folks.  I'm in.  

We joined the LA fitness movement; came home and cancelled our old membership.  Onto the new and improved.  A new gym gives me a new spring in my step.  It's exciting to work out somewhere new and I love that it is a huge facility.  As you know I like to get in, workout and get out.  I'm not a jaw wagger at the gym; it is not my social time.  I think I'm going to like it at the new place; but time will tell.  

Sometimes change is a great thing.  

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Resting your body

Time off is good.  Your body will thank you.  

I was back at it this morning.  I had a week break from working out, sort of.  My daughter got married last Friday and we had family here for a visit; so, I took the time to rest my bod.  Much easier said than done I have to admit.  I rested but I did do two very small workouts at the hotel in San Diego and a bit of yoga with my sister.  Nothing like I normally do though.  

It's tough, once you are in the "fit" way of life, it's hard to stop. Not that I am fanatic about working out but I have finally reached a place where I am seeing results, and I love it.  Plus I love how I am feeling.

Working out hard is great but resting your body is essential.  I could not believe how amazing I felt at the gym this morning; having rested mostly for a full week.  I had no aches and pains and a ton of energy.  When you work out day in and day out you can sort of burn your body out.  You may still have the drive to go and workout but your body needs to rest.  

My regular workout regime is lifting weights and doing yoga along with a day or two off.  But taking a full week off now and again is a really great idea if you can do it guilt free.  I tried very hard to just take it off and enjoy it; and by the end of the week I was.  The beginning was a bit tough mentally but I stuck it out and had a nice relaxing week.  Like I said I did do a bit of yoga, because my sister does yoga as well so it was great to learn some new things from her.  I also really enjoy working out at hotel gyms if they are half decent so I squeezed in a couple of those.  

My body thanked me for the rest this morning by offering up some amazing power and new found umph.  I also have a new pair of very cool Reebok purple workout pants that my daughter gave me so I was excited to wear today.  New duds are always great.  :)  

Monday, April 27, 2015

Body shaming

Yet another new day to be the person you want to be; not who everyone else wants us to be. 

I hate it, I absolutely hate it.  Why do people feel the need to judge others physical appearance?  Feeling good about the way you look is tough, no matter what you look like.   The "if I only were thinner, taller, shorter, curvier" plagues almost everyone.  The "perfect" body is unobtainable.  Why?  Because it doesn't exist. 

Feeling good in your skin should be our goal; being happy with the person who looks back at us in the mirror.  A goal to get and be healthy is important; health yes, but not the unobtainable goal of perfection.  Who says what is perfect anyway?  Who are we trying to impress?  Is there perfection police out there?  Well sort of and their name is the media.  Look at what has happened with Kelly Clarkson these days; it really is no one else's business but her own. 

Should people feel horrible about themselves if they don't fit into a perfect mold?  How you look and feel is all about you and you alone.  If you are happy looking the way you do, GOOD FOR YOU.  You are one of the very few.  There is something amazing about a person who is confident with who they are and how they look.  It is entirely different from someone in pursuit of the perfection that society puts on us all.  Both sexes are targets, men and women are made to feel that they need to be a certain size and shape to dodge the finger pointing.  Life is just too short not to be happy.

Being happy in life means a whole lot more than our exterior shell.  But, we do have to live in these shells so we should make the best of them, right?    We will live out our life in one body; so we need to take care of it and make living in it the easiest that it can be.  That means keeping healthy.  It does not mean keeping skinny, nipped, tucked and tweaked into perfection.  It means eating well and moving.  There is no perfection pinnacle; perfection is unobtainable.  Who are you on the inside?

Eating well and moving will create a happy body.  A strong and agile body will be the fruits of your labor, rock it. 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Claiming equipment rules

Not only do people "claim" machines, they claim weights too.  Honestly.

There should be a list of rules listed on the wall of every gym.  That said there should also be "gym police" to enforce them.  One of the things I hate most about gyms is when someone claims a piece of equipment.  You know those people who put their stuff all around and on the equipment but they aren't using it?  I saw a guy yesterday, grab his towel and walk away from a machine I was waiting for.  As I head towards the machine I realized it was still claimed; even though he'd taken one towel with him he had set up camp around the machine. 

Now, normally when this happens I will use the machine anyway.  YOU CANNOT CLAIM MACHINES.  If you are on a machine, fine.  Claiming a machine for your workout circuit is lame.  If you want to use a machine, leave and come back, fine; then leave and come back later.  You cannot put machines on hold; keeping them out of commission until you return.  It is extremely rude to do so and doing it makes you a lame ass in my opinion.

People do it all the time and if you happen to step in and use their machine when they consider it spoken for, you may hear about it.  I have often used equipment that people have put on layaway.  I get the dirty looks, of course I can't hear their rant because I have turned up my music.  I'm in my own little zone and they can just wait until I'm done.  I in fact am using the equipment, I'm in the moment and not putting the machine on hold.  I'm USING IT. 

I will step in, use it and step away when I'm done.  Some people think that they own the place when in actuality it is a public gym.  Use some common sense folks.    

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Working on my shoulder stand while Elsa waits for me to toss her ball, AGAIN!

For several months I have been babying my arms.  I had an injury so I've been ever so careful not to aggravate it; and have been working out everything around the injury.  I took several weeks off but that didn't help at all so I decided to get back at it and it is now better!!!!  I absolutely HATE not working out and even after a mere two weeks off, I felt it.  No, that was just not going to work for me.  So without hitting the injury spot I worked around it (my elbows) literally.  My triceps, biceps, forearms and chest while resting my elbows.  

I'd been pushing it too hard for a while and so my body let me know.  I had what is commonly known as climber elbow injury or golfer's elbow.    Ahhh, age, ain't it grand?  Not always.  :(  As we age we must adjust and be smart about working out.  Admittedly I often push myself a tad hard; I am very self competitive and hate when I can't do something that I could in my 20s.  An injury is your body speaking loud and clear.  "Okay, okay I get it, I'm almost 53," I relent to my body.  But being over 50 does not mean that you stop; no, it means that you get going.  

The less you move the more you lose, fact.  You don't have to be over 50 to lose it either; although for some reason many people think that age and losing mobility go hand in hand.  No, no, no.  As we age we must work harder to keep toned and flexible.  If you don't you will lose it, fact.  The move flexible you are and the more muscle tone you have, the better you feel when you move.  

Getting started can seem daunting but if you take it slow, succeed and see progress then you'll keep it up.  If you look at exercising as a privilege and not a punishment or torture then you'll be more apt to continue.  You will have more aches and pains as you get older just because; but having the body that you want is worth it.  Do you want to be one of those on the sidelines saying "I can't?"  Not me.  

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Not even tempted

Made by me, yes the baker me; and I have to say "worth every calorie."  :)

Everyone has a food weakness; mine is potato chips, salted potato chips.  I love them and if they are in the house, then they are in my mouth usually.  I don't have very many weaknesses as far as food goes which is a nice thing.  Even those evil potato chips can be passed up these days; once you reach start to see results from working out and eating right, it's easier and easier to look the other way.  Of course I think everyone should indulge; I believe that it helps you to stay on your proper eating regime. 

As far as candy and those disgusting little Peep things, not even tempted.  I could not be more turned off by all that stuff, pure garbage.  My idea of a sweet treat is probably a piece of really amazing cheesecake.  Anything else really has too much sugar which in turn will make me feel really crappy.  I do enjoy a piece of dark chocolate now and again; but we all know that is good for you. 

The old saying "it better be worth the calories" is a good one.  If you think that eating something you shouldn't will make you happy, be good and sure before you consume those calories.  There is also the fact that when you eat really well, eating crappy food makes you feel really crappy. 

Life is really about being happy.   If that means feeling great, then skip the crap.  The better you eat, the more you move the greater you will feel.  That crap food will have less of a hold on you and a happy feeling life will take over.  Now, you decide whether or not to eat it.  It's all up to you.  

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A handstand - at home strength building

I stood staring at the wall.  Hmmmmmm, it was just me and Elsa (my Standard Poodle) at home.  What if I slipped?  What if I didn't make it?  What if I made it and my wrist broke?  It had been a VERY long time since I'd done a handstand.  It wasn't that big of a deal to do; but my confidence was a bit shaky being that no one was there to spot me.  PLEASE, if you are going to attempt something like a handstand; do it when someone is around to spot you.  

Spot:  to place or position on a particular place.  

This means that you want someone there, hovering when you make your first attempt.  

Working on balance

Of course I went ahead and just did it.  After staring at the wall, I just did it.  I didn't stay up there long, and quit while I was ahead. It felt amazing; nothing happened and it was easy peasy.  While I was upside down with my feet on the wall; I realized that although it was easy, it took a great deal of strength.  Handstands suddenly became a daily thing.  I was determined to make it no big deal at all. 

I use to walk on my hands when I was much younger; a handstand against the wall is the first step to maybe doing that again.  My first handstand was pretty far away from the wall.  I will get closer and closer, trying to retain the balance that was once very easy.  Having a wall close by is essential of course; flipping over and landing on your back when you are in your 50s is not like doing it as a teenager or in your 20s.   

More balance, by putting my feet on the wall with bent legs I have my body more straight up and down.

As you can see I'm having fun.  :)  Handstands everywhere now.  :)  Why not?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Where to start?????? Sleeveless season is just around the corner.

Push up work out lots of muscles.  Arms, chest, back....a great exercise staple.  

Beginning the process of working out can be intimidating as I have said many times already.  Where to start?  Where to start?  Many people don't start because it is so intimidating that they just can't get to it. Diving into the workout pool may be too much in the beginning so maybe set a small and doable goal first.  What is it that you'd like to get out of working out?  Why are you even considering working out? Or are you?  Maybe you just want to lose weight and this seems like the way to go.  Perhaps you don't need to lose any weight but you'd like to firm up, stop the jiggle?  

Whatever the reason, you should add in health.  With working out comes eating right; to work best, the two go together.  I talk about both a lot because you should keep both in mind when considering a goal.  If your goal is simply to get healthy then you are in the right place.  I like to look at health as the main goal in working out and eating right.  There are added bonus things like dropping weight, getting strong and feeling great too.  

You don't have to just have one goal, you can have a whole long list of goals.  But you should tackle them one by one in the beginning.  You don't want to set yourself up for failure; biting off more than you can chew as they say.  I think when you tackle one goal at a time; you are more apt to get there and move onto the next one.  

Results are a huge motivation; so when you get even the smallest result from working out it can fuel you onto doing more and keeping at it.  Whether that result is getting stronger, feeling better overall from eating well or liking what you see when you look in the mirror, it all helps.  

So start small and with motivating results, you will keep at it.  I like the idea of working out at home to start.  But, if you are not going to do it and need to either join a class or gym to get going, then do it.  But don't think that you need a class or a gym to get started; there are tons of things you can do.  Maybe just start walking, it is surprising how many people don't walk.  It's about the easiest thing to get started on and it's free.  :)  

Here I am doing tricep dips with push up handles.  They just happen to be there when I was taking pics so I used them.  You can use the edge of a chair, a step or anything else stable.

If you want to tone some body parts up, focus.  Lets say you want to tone your arms, very common.  You need to work out that flappy back part of your arms, your triceps.  Two easy exercises will get you started.  The very basic girl push up and the tricep dip.  Start slow and build as your strength grows.  You can do these easily at home.  The push up you can do anywhere and the dip just needs an chair edge, step or anything else that is sturdy and will keep you a few inches off the ground.  It is just the very beginning but these basics are tried and true.  

You can get started right this minute. :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This was my salad last night, amazing.  I was out of arugula (yes I almost died because I eat it every day) so had a bowl of asparagus, broccoli slaw, pineapple, raspberries and red pepper.  I had on the side, a couple of turkey meatballs for protein.

Food is hugely controversial these days.  There are so many "diets" "miracle pills" and "secret drinks" out there to pick and choose from when you want to lose weight.  I for one am not a fan of fad diets, magic pills or drinks.  I am not a believer of the diets where you order your premade food either.  I strongly believe that if you want to get healthy then you must change your lifestyle.  That means thinking "healthy" choices, not feeling deprived all the time. 

Paleo chocolate mousse.  First time making this, it was pretty good.  I doubled the honey that they called for and chilling is a must.   
If we looked at food more like fuel, I think that we might have a better chance at "getting it."  Eating well or "clean" as is the "in" term these days takes thought and it takes breaking a lot of bad habits.  There will be those who balk at your choice of diet; but everyone has their own opinion as they should.  Everyone has to do what they feel good about doing and eating.  I try to share what I have discovered as far as eating correctly and I am always open to listening to more. 

My kids are a huge inspiration for me; they are the new and improved generation of health conscious people.  When we get together the topic of conversation often goes to exercise and food.  Oh yes, we are foodies, we LOVE good food.  We share recipes, diet (as in the food we eat, not weight loss) ideas and experience.

I watched a new advertisement on television last night.  It was obviously made to appeal to children.  The people were cartoon like and in a grocery store.  The Mom is grabbing box after box of processed food.  The boxes with a red mark on them donate food to hungry children when purchased.  Sounds nice but a sad marketing ploy in these days of "don't buy processed food." 

Our bodies take us through life; yet we often think about our body very last.  We stop and grab fast food and gobble it down because we are hungry and in a hurry.  This body is the only one we will ever have; we need to take care of it as such.  No one else is going to keep our body healthy and in shape; that job is all on us.  We can or cannot put our body first.  Eating right and moving is the best way to keep our body functioning throughout our life.  If you don't who will? 

Staying healthy is work; but so is hauling around a body that is overweight and under exercised.  It is completely our choice to make. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Plodding along

Are you stuck in a rut?  Either you haven't started to workout and want to, or you've been doing the same thing for years and years and years.  I see folks at the gym all the time who have been doing the same thing for as long as I've seen them and they look exactly the same.  That's fine if you are wanting to just waste time, but why bother?  If you aren't getting into shape then you need to switch it up.  If you aren't moving, then you need to start. 

One of my very first recommendations for anyone wanting to work out is to get some great looking and comfortable new duds.  You need something that you will feel comfortable in, both how you feel and look.  If you feel comfortable and not self conscious then you're on the right track.  The more comfortable you get with being in the gym or moving and getting into shape may have you looking for something a litter cuter down the road.  

Perhaps it is that I am a result driven person but I could not keep going to the gym; doing the same thing day in and day out with no results.   The folks I see at the gym are doing the identical movements I saw them doing years ago and they don't look any fitter than before.   Variety is the spice of life; but taking that first step may be needed first.  If you are just thinking about it; stop thinking and do.  Take that leap of faith and move.  

If you have been doing the same thing for years and years without seeing any results, stop!  Think about doing something else.  Perhaps lifting weights, doing yoga, stability ball or walking.  Whatever you've been doing hasn't worked.  Maybe it's because it's really just repetitive easy movements that barely work any muscles.  Or you've been doing it for so long that your body could do it in sleep mode.  You need a change, you need a kick in the ass.  

Taking that first step can be scary; so make it a small step, one that you can manage.  If you step too big too soon, it may lead to frustration which can lead to halting all together.  That my friend is not the goal.  

This much I know is true.  The more you move, the more you can move and the easier it is to move.  If you just sit there doing nothing; then you will atrophy.  Your joints will suffer from lack of muscle, tendon and ligament protection and you will become weak and unsteady.  

Along with my lifting I have added yoga and the stability ball. I also walk a lot and I have seen a big change since I started focusing on walking further and further with added jogging.  I am working very hard on my core and balance which is great for anyone and everyone to start doing.  

Take that first step today.  

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Freeze your fat away? Really??????

As I was heading home from the park today, I heard an advertisement on the radio for freezing your fat away.  The woman on the radio was boasting about how she'd had two treatments already.  "Bikini season is right around the corner" she added.  Okay, so the big push is on right?  Simply freeze your fat away!!!! I sat and thought about all the miracle things that are out there to get rid of fat quick and realized that it all has nothing to do with changing how we eat or move.  So if you freeze it off, I guess it can come back?  Google time.  

This is the first and last article I read on the subject.  At least it explains what it is all about.  I don't care to read anymore.  

Daily Mail - on Cool Sculpting

The issue with these type of "quick fix" methods of getting rid of fat is that none address the problem.  That is, how the fat got there and remained there for so long.  

We (humans) are always looking for the next big thing.  That big secret that will rid us of the fat we don't want and get us in shape.  Well, the reality is this; the best way to do it is the hard way.  Work!!  Eat nutritionally dense foods and move.  IT MUST become a way of life; worked into our lives for it to remain.  

Every so often I have a moment of dismay, when I realize that I have to work out forever.  But that changes when I think about how lucky I am to be able to work out.  I can look however I want to; you can look however you want to.  It is completely up to us and how dedicated we are to get there.  I do not believe in the magic pill, drink, diet or workout.  It is all hard work and freezing your fat off sounds stupid to me. 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Moving through life

My daughter Nicole doing situps, being timed by my son Brad. 

Moving is such an important part of life.  The more you move the more you can move.  I know people who have a difficult time getting up out of a chair or walking down the driveway.  Their problem stems from lack of movement.  "Use it or lose it" could not be more true.  When you don't move, as in exercising type movement your muscles atrophy.  When you offer no challenge to your muscles, no job to do on a regular basis they go on vacation.  But you can get them back from their vacation; it will just take work and dedication. 

I like to do a wide variety of exercises.  Of course weights is my favorite but my stability comes a very close second.  There are so many strength exercises that you can do with a stability ball.  I am really starting to love yoga and I do love my daily walks with Elsa, which now include jogging.  I'm not a huge lover of jogging for several reasons but the biggest reason is the impact.  Everything in moderation, so for me a little jogging goes a long way as I prefer to do my distance by power walking. 

Moving is the most essential part of keeping the ability of moving intact.  How many people have aches and pains and sit on the side lines; only to worsen their ability to move?  Too many.  We need to move, we need to exercise and keep our muscles, tendons and joints fluid.  When we move, we ask our body to oblige; if our body has nothing to use to move then it makes it very difficult.  The more you move, the move you can move. 

I am debating movement today.  Will I head to the gym or grab my yoga mat and stability ball?  Not sure yet but I do know that I will be getting ready to exercise.  Putting on my workout clothes is the first step in getting some movement in.  Even if I'm not in the mood, I will throw on my workout gear and then I am in the mood. 

Now get up out of that bed, off the couch and MOVE. 

Friday, February 20, 2015


This salad was sooooo good.  Let me see if I can remember what's in it.  Arugula, baby kale, dried cherries (no sugar or additives, hard to find), broccoli slaw, avocado with salsa, organic quinoa, feta cheese and carrot.  I eat this at least once a day.  

You are working out.  You have taken the first step to getting fit and healthy.  Now, what about diet?  I use the term as the true definition, not the one that means losing weight.  Diet is simply the food that you eat.  There are many different types of diets from very good, very bad, weight loss, weight gain etc. etc.  But the term diet on its own does not mean to eat less calories or lose weight.  

So what is your diet like?  Are you expecting to lose weight by working out and still eating an unhealthy diet?  If so, you are going to become frustrated.  If you would like to lose weight you need to eat right.  I pretty much follow the primal food diet.  I try to stick with it for the most part; only indulging when I feel the need.  

Mark's Daily Apple Primal Diet  

I do not eat bread or anything else that is made from wheat flour.  That is unless I am indulging for something like fresh homemade bread.  You will not find bread in my house.  I do not eat sugar.  I eat a ton of vegetables, little meat and fish.  I eat fruit, seeds, nuts and healthy fats.  I do eat cheese but have reduced the amount by a lot.  I love cheese, it is one of my weaknesses.  But you can eat cheese, just not the whole block and expect to drop weight. 

Having done so much research on food and diet; I can no longer eat garbage and be okay with it.  If I indulge it is typically a healthy indulge.  Maybe too many sweet potato chips or fries, wine or extra bit of cheese.  No processed crap, you know, all that stuff in the regular grocery stores.  I walk down the isles on my way to purchase meat for my dogs and imagine all the preservatives and chemicals in the food that is brightly packaged to grab your attention.  

If I need to snack I grab an apple and some nuts.  The better you eat the less you have to eat, it's pretty cool.  A very small amount of great food can keep you going for a very long time.  But less food is not what it is all about.  Good food, quality over quantity.  I probably eat a giant salad every single day.  I LOVE arugula and it is the main ingredient in all salads for me. That and tons of other veggies.  I might throw turkey on top or feta.  Tons of nutrients to fuel the body.

Next time you pull up to a taco, sub or sandwich place at one of the undesirable fast food chains, think.  Is there anything in the food you are about to eat that your body can use as fuel?  If not, then why eat useless calories?  If it is a necessary indulgence then okay, but don't expect to eat crap on a regular basis and feel good.  

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Got ball?

I didn't realize until well into my workout that I was very matchy.  :)

Stability balls that is.  :)  I got one and I LOVE IT!!!!  I had it out on the deck yesterday during my early morning yoga session.  I got my stability ball last week at TJMaxx because I wanted to add it into my workouts.  I knew I'd like it but I did not think that I'd like it as much as I do.  

The ball came with a small sheet of stretches, basics and strength moves, which I have done.  But I moved on far passed the beginner sheet.  Basically I'm thinking up anything that requires balance and strength.  It has amazed me that this 12.00 ball can do as much as it does.  This week in the evening as I was watching television, I hate a great butt workout.  Lying on my back I put my feet on the ball with my legs bent and did butt raises.  Holding it for as long as I could with each rep that I did.  Wow. 

This morning when I got out of bed, my calves hurt.  I thought about which exercise would have done this.  Hmmmm, get calf workout as well as core.  It was much warmer this morning so I moved my mat and ball out to the shady part in yard.  While I talked to my sister on the phone I worked my core, multi-tasking at it's finest.  The whole balancing thing alone is such a great workout.  The closer you keep your feet together, the harder it is to stay balanced.  

I got ball and I LOVE IT.    

Monday, February 2, 2015

Yoga and tranquility

Sometimes you need a little tranquility in your life.  Plus doing a few yoga moves can get you warmed up and ready to stretch.  NEVER stretch cold.  

Tranquility:  quality or state of being tranquilcalmness; peacefulness; quiet;serenity.

I remember waaaayyyy back when in school, we were taught to stretch before doing anything athletic.  Even now I see people walk into the gym and throw their leg up on a bar and stretch. I cringe thinking that their hamstring might just snap being that it is cold.  DON'T STRETCH WHEN YOUR BODY IS COLD.  The best time to stretch is after a workout.  So doing some core or yoga moves before hand is optimal.  Save the stretching for later in your workout.  

It is amazing what a good workout you can get without any weights at all, but you do have to push yourself.  If it feels too easy, then it probably is.  Getting into the above position is easy, staying there for a while is tough.  

Here I was doing the inch worm push up.  From this position I walked down with my hands into a push up and back up again.  If you can't do it with your legs straight then bend them until you achieve more flexibility.  

Balance, strength and stretch in one.  

Switch it up, yoga, cross fit, weight lifting, power walking/jogging.  Move.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I'm back in the zone

Yep, why not have fun dressing for the gym?

I've had a little break from the gym but was back at it this morning.  Several life things were thrown my way at the same time so I needed a break.  This morning I was determined to get back at it so I donned my coolest pants that my daughter gave me from Reebok and pulled on my red workout shoes.  Yes they are loud and crazy but they feel amazing and make me smile.  :)  

I decided to take it easy.  It had been almost a week since my last upper body workout so I did a few key exercises and skipped some others because of an arm injury I was recovering from.  Triceps are probably the biggest thing that needs attention on most woman so they got done.  I got up on the assisted pull up machine and did some great tricep dips.  I have to say that it is one of my favorite exercises and does far more than just triceps.  

Then on the same machine I did just a few sets of about 12 pull ups.  I have found that these two exercises; pull ups and tricep dips work out the entire upper body.  You can set the weight to really help you out or lower it so that it is more difficult.  It is probably my favorite go to right now.  

I worked on my chest doing cable presses and dumbell presses on the bench.  Laying down flat on the bench with my feet up on the end I took 2 - 20 lb dumbells and held them directly over my head.  Lowering them slowly to just how far you could if you were laying the floor doing it.  If you go past parallel to the bench you risk hyper extending and damaging tendons.  

Then sitting on the bench I moved onto shoulders.  With the same 20lb dumbells I did shoulder press.  Make sure that your back is not arched by tucking in your butt; you lift the weights from shoulder level, straight up and back down again.  Very slow with precise form.  

Of course if you are just getting into lifting a 5 or 10lb dumbell will be more than enough until you can or even want to move up in weight.  

Summer sleeveless dress and tank top season is just around the corner.  These few exercises can let you feel comfortable in a no sleeve shirt. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A great Tuesday.

I woke up early this morning, I love that.  I've always been an early riser.  I hate getting up past 7:00 and feel that I've missed half of the day if I do.  While the sun was just starting to come up I head down stairs for my cup of Java and Perfect Bar.  One of my daughters who lives in San Diego introduced them to me some time ago and since then they have been a staple food in my refrigerator.   My favorite is by far the Peanut Butter flavor although I like them all.  Just recently I grabbed three boxes of different flavors at my local health food spot because they were on sale, YES.  

My three year old Standard Poodle has always loved the bar as well and receives her fair share every morning.  Now my old boy, my 14.5 year old Standard Poodle has taken a liking to them.  This makes me very happy because he is suffering from liver cancer and is a very picky eater so when I can get something really healthy into him, it makes me very happy.  

Post workout.  Head to toe Reebok

After my coffee and our Perfect bar, there is a little more time spent snuggling and blogging and then it's time to hit the gym.  I had a great workout this morning.  As I wrote before I've been suffering with a tweaked back but today I FELT GREAT.  Feeling great makes you feel even greater when you've had a nagging injury.  It felt good to work hard with no residual back pain.  Like always I pushed the envelope a bit as far as my back and everything seems okie dokie so far.  

I did some very light dead lifts, which I've missed doing.  (Great butt workout)
I also squeezed in some light squats and added in some bent leg raises on this machine pictured below. It has good support for your back compared to the free hanging leg lifts.  I did some heavy leg press, along with some intense leg curls and extensions.  

Back home it was walk time.  So I headed out with both dogs for a couple miles.  My old guy in his cart (doggyride) for much of it; I love the fact that he can join in the fun.  My young girl?  Well..she's a power house athlete.  She loves working out as much as I do.