Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Get off

Are you one of those people who step on the scale every day anxiously awaiting the news?  So what does it say?  Are you going to have a bad day or good day?  It all depends on what the scale says right?  You'll either feel good about yourself or bad.  Feeling bad about YOU is bad.  What if you think you look pretty good?  You've been working out like crazy, eating great... you're pumped.  You're pumped until you step onto the evil scale.  Instantly you are sent spiraling down and out.  You look in the mirror and see a fatty.  You thought you looked good, now you don't, now you hate yourself.   Hmmmmm. 

 I don't weigh myself, I just don't.  Recently I was at the Doctors where I knew that I'd have to get on the scale.  I did some soul searching and wondered whether it was worth the fight with the nurse to try to avoid the scale.  I decided against the fight.  Instead I told myself that I wasn't going to care what it said, and I don't.  

We are far more than a number; we should not be measured by a number.  If you want to know, then by all means step up and find out.  I prefer to set my goals by photos of myself  (few that there are) and go from there.  That or I put my jeans on and they tell me what's going on.  Just the other day I put a pair of jean shorts on and could not believe how differently they were fitting me.  They were quite lose but the biggest difference was the fit.  Looser where the fat had left and tighter where my muscles have grown.

Everyone is so concerned with being skinny; losing weight to feel good about themselves.  If you don't like what you see in the mirror, change it.   Don't decide whether or not you are happy by what a stupid scale says.  Do you feel good?  Are you fit and healthy?  That should be your goal, not a number on a scale.  The number you are given from the evil scale has nothing to do with your diet or your exercise.  It simply tells you what you are weighing in at.  You could actually be a very skinny, out of shape and unhealthy lightweight on the scale.  Ever think about that?

Stepping on a scale is a personal decision.  My choice is not to, I don't care what it says.  I care about how I feel and if I am happy when I look in the mirror.  If not then I have work to do.  :)  

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