Friday, February 20, 2015


This salad was sooooo good.  Let me see if I can remember what's in it.  Arugula, baby kale, dried cherries (no sugar or additives, hard to find), broccoli slaw, avocado with salsa, organic quinoa, feta cheese and carrot.  I eat this at least once a day.  

You are working out.  You have taken the first step to getting fit and healthy.  Now, what about diet?  I use the term as the true definition, not the one that means losing weight.  Diet is simply the food that you eat.  There are many different types of diets from very good, very bad, weight loss, weight gain etc. etc.  But the term diet on its own does not mean to eat less calories or lose weight.  

So what is your diet like?  Are you expecting to lose weight by working out and still eating an unhealthy diet?  If so, you are going to become frustrated.  If you would like to lose weight you need to eat right.  I pretty much follow the primal food diet.  I try to stick with it for the most part; only indulging when I feel the need.  

Mark's Daily Apple Primal Diet  

I do not eat bread or anything else that is made from wheat flour.  That is unless I am indulging for something like fresh homemade bread.  You will not find bread in my house.  I do not eat sugar.  I eat a ton of vegetables, little meat and fish.  I eat fruit, seeds, nuts and healthy fats.  I do eat cheese but have reduced the amount by a lot.  I love cheese, it is one of my weaknesses.  But you can eat cheese, just not the whole block and expect to drop weight. 

Having done so much research on food and diet; I can no longer eat garbage and be okay with it.  If I indulge it is typically a healthy indulge.  Maybe too many sweet potato chips or fries, wine or extra bit of cheese.  No processed crap, you know, all that stuff in the regular grocery stores.  I walk down the isles on my way to purchase meat for my dogs and imagine all the preservatives and chemicals in the food that is brightly packaged to grab your attention.  

If I need to snack I grab an apple and some nuts.  The better you eat the less you have to eat, it's pretty cool.  A very small amount of great food can keep you going for a very long time.  But less food is not what it is all about.  Good food, quality over quantity.  I probably eat a giant salad every single day.  I LOVE arugula and it is the main ingredient in all salads for me. That and tons of other veggies.  I might throw turkey on top or feta.  Tons of nutrients to fuel the body.

Next time you pull up to a taco, sub or sandwich place at one of the undesirable fast food chains, think.  Is there anything in the food you are about to eat that your body can use as fuel?  If not, then why eat useless calories?  If it is a necessary indulgence then okay, but don't expect to eat crap on a regular basis and feel good.  

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