Saturday, May 10, 2014

Why lift?

Workout bands are a great way to get started and/or workout at home.

Today was a push day; a day to challenge myself.  I worked out harder and longer than my normal workout.  Sometimes you just have to push; getting stuck in a rut is a common thing with exercise.  I could just stay in the same spot forever but then I'd get bored.  Once bored, there is a good chance of quitting out of boredom.  Yesterday was also a push day and I am most definitely feeling the result of pushing.  It feels great.  It means that once my muscles heal that they will be stronger, I will have gained muscle which is a good thing. 

The whole idea around lifting weights is to get strong.  As we age we get weak as our muscle starts to vanish.  The only way to keep it is to use it; it is as simple as that.  Moving is essential, but not just moving, pushing.  During my breather between sets I glanced around the gym.  Everyone was moving but so many were moving without achieving any benefit.  Laying on the floor and lifting a leg ever so slowly is moving but it's not doing anything more than walking to the grocery store.  You may as well just go to the mall and shop.

When I started lifting I was 16 years old; that is a long time ago.  It was easy then, I never hurt and kept in shape.  There is now more drive behind my lifting; heck I'm not getting any younger, none of us are.  It is more important to lift now more than ever.  Sure, there are days when I hurt; mostly little aches and pains; nothing huge unless I have an injury of some sort.  But those little aches and pains tell me that my muscles are being used.  "Use it or lose it," as they say.  I don't want to lose my ability to move as I get older, hell no. 

Lift.  Just try it, you'll love it.  If you do it right you will just hurt a little; enough to let you know that you are still alive and gaining muscle with every lift.  If you don't want to do the gym thing, lift at home.  It doesn't matter where you lift, just lift. 

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