Monday, May 5, 2014

Lost Music Zone

I lost my sound; my tiny ipod shuffle went missing.  Not cool, not cool at all.  I almost didn't go to the gym; yes, it was that serious.  Without my "cone of silence" I was going to be subjected to the idle chatter at the gym, not cool.  Horrible actually, this is very serious when I rely on my shuffle to filter the chit chat from around me so I can enter into the zone.  The zone is an important place where I go when working out.  A field I enter to challenge myself; push harder and block out the rest of the world at the gym. It is essential for me to have a good workout, bottom line.

Not wanting to miss a workout I pushed on.  I went to the gym knowing full well that I'd be plagued by the mundane conversations, gym social time.  I'm not a chatter at the gym; I'm not there to chat and I do not want to listen to everyone else's chat.  I go to the gym to workout; social chatter interferes with working out.  But there are many people who are there for the social aspect; that's fine, but if you aren't, you do not want to have to listen to them.  So there I was with no sound protection.  I tried my hardest to get into the zone but it was illusive with the sounds of chatting coming from every direction.  I was actually amazed at all the chatting that goes on.  I love my sound filter.

I play it loud, my music creates my zone of self competition.  I'm there to challenge myself and without the ability to get in the zone; it was a mediocre workout at best.  There are three things that I need to head to the gym; my shuffle, gloves and gum.  My music is the most important; so without it I just never got to the zone.  I don't know how people workout to the barely audible gym music and everyone talking around them.  It is very distracting.

Perhaps it is the whole "After 50" thing that makes my music essential.  Although I remember it being a constant when working out in the basement when I was 16.  It is sort of like dancing without music; it can be done but it is much better with loud booming music right?  With my music turned up, I slip into my lifting zone.  There I am alone, just me, my music and the weights. 

I am happy to say that I found my shuffle.  It was at the back of my desk where I'd pushed it out of the way.  I'll be having a much better workout tomorrow, bring it on. 

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