Great fuel.
What vessel you ask? Your life vessel, your body, you. It's funny, I was driving home the other day and the whole idea of not taking care of our body crossed my mind. We take for granted that the body that haul our life around is just going to keep working great for us. So many people have horrible diets (the food we eat, not a weight loss plan) and expect to feel great and keep on ticking. We demand a lot from our body and often do not offer the proper fuel needed for it to perform. Do you think about the food you eat?
I love food, yep, LOVE IT. I have, over the years learned what works best for me. A diet that I can stick to easily and makes me feel great. I eat a mostly primal diet and I feel great. When I was younger I had huge issues with hypoglycemia which was something that I had to be constantly aware of. Not now, I can't tell you the last time that I had a blood sugar drop. When I eat a primal diet and stick to it I never have a problem. If I'm stupid and eat a donut with nothing else for breakfast then I can guarantee that I'll have a problem.
Mark's Daily Apple - a great healthy blog read.
Our bodies need fuel; that means that we need to be very particular about what we put in it. The better fuel we put in; the better our body is going to run for us. If we have big demands like extreme exercising or lifting then eating properly is essential. Eating bad food is rampant these days; fast life, fast eating and stuffing anything in to quench hunger. Trying to get people to focus on eating better is hard. Eating bad foods can become a way of life and eating anything green or healthy is not going to happen.
When we put food into our body it is quickly processed and the nutrients are extracted for our body to use. If we put food in our body that contains no real nutrients (processed food) then it passes through; without ever doing any good other than keep us from being hungry. So eating a diet of nutrient rich food is the best bet to get optimal nutrition. That means choosing real food that is not processed. Real food, the kind that is found on the perimeter of the grocery store.
When you are preparing to eat, think; are you offering your body the nutrition that it needs? Or are you simply putting nutrient lacking food in your mouth to satisfy a craving? Think before you eat. Eating better is a step by step process just like getting into lifting and exercising. One step at a time, can have a snowball effect. The better you eat, the better you feel and you start to really pay attention to what you are eating. That is a great thing. Getting fit involves activity and fuel. What type of fuel do you give your vessel?
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