Taken last summer.
Taking that first step to lifting can be scary. I know how it feels to walk into a room where you have no idea what your doing; no one likes that feeling. Every time I walk into a new gym; I feel like a newbie as I wander around trying to figure out the lay of the land. Lots of women will dabble on the machines but the idea of venturing into the "guy" area is very intimidating. I highly recommend going with a friend who knows the ropes or have one of the staff trainers take you through the first time. Just being given a demonstration on what does what really helps. If you aren't sure then hire a trainer for a couple of sessions before venturing out on your own.
Read, read and read more. There are some core exercises that are a great place to start. Once you get a handle on them and being in the weight area of the gym you'll soar. I've been lifting since I was sixteen years old; that makes me long timer for sure. But I still have to figure things out when I go to a new gym; every place is different and can have very different equipment If you want to lift and are unsure about taking that very first step into unknown territory, don't go in blind.
I do not use a trainer and I never have; but I think that they are great for people who want to get started but just don't know where to start. They have a good knowledge of the equipment and once you get the show around you can take it from there. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED. Everyone had to start somewhere and I love seeing new ladies in the gym lifting. The word seems to be spreading that lifting is far more than a muscle bound, kick sand in your face activity. Lifting is good for you, it makes you strong, kicks up your metabolism, protects your joints and makes you feel great.
Ask, ask if you have questions about equipment. There are always staff on hand so if you have a question about an exercise or piece of equipment just ask. I have been asked several times about machines and I am more than happy to answer anything. But by far the biggest help to get lifting is someone to show you the ropes. I know it is a scary first step, but once you take you'll never look back.
As they say "just do it. "
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